Coastal Georgia Bible Institute
Online Campus of
The New Generation Institute of Biblical Studies and Theological Seminary
Legacy of the Holiness Movement
3 Credit Hours
Winter/Spring Term 2025
ZOOM Sessions TBA
Instructor: Dr. Brenda Iglehart
Phone: 912-547-1711
Preferred Method of Contact: Text or Email
Office Location: New Generation FGBC, Savannah
Office Hours: By Appointment
Course Description
An historical exploration of the influence of the holiness movement, including the Great Awakenings, Revivalism and African spiritualty, on the development of mainline Christian denominations in the United States.
This course encourages critical thinking, reflection and writing with clarity. Students will enhance their abilities to read, interpret, and analyze texts. Through active participation and inquiry students will practice ethical and respectful engagement with perspectives different from their own.
There are no prerequisites for this course.
Instructional Methods
This course is offered as a blended course. Face to Face Classes will occur via ZOOM. Additional lectures may be recorded on YouTube or use PowerPoint.
Required Materials
All required readings will be article essays published in the “Christian History” magazine. The reading schedule will be listed along with PDF copies in the Student Portal under “Coursework”.
For additional readings students can also access reprints of the Christian History Magazines:
A Schedule of Readings and Assigned Research will be required to engage in discussions of major concepts.
The ZOOM Class link, YouTube, Power Point Presentations, links to articles, assignments and rubrics are located in the Student Portal.
Minimal Technical Requirements/Skill
All work in this course must be completed and submitted online using Microsoft Teams. Consistent and reliable access to the internet is required along with moderate computer word processing skills.
Grading Scale
89.5% - 100% = A
84.5% - 89.4% = B+
79.5% - 84.4% = B
74.5% - 79.4% = C+
69.5% - 74.4% = C